Behind the Beards – It Didn’t Just Happen


No one can deny the unparalleled success of Duck Commander/Buck Commander and the wildly popular show “Duck Dynasty“. Why has it all happened? Is it fate? Chance? I don’t think so. The bearded bunch really are people of deep faith in God. But so are many of their fans.

The best thing about my part-time job at Duck Commander is meeting the fans/customers at the Duck Commander/Buck Commander store in West Monroe. This past Friday I met a nice young couple and their eight year old daughter. We had a nice conversation. Near the end of our brief chat the young mother told me that her daughter, (a pretty little freckle dotted face with a disarming smile), prays for each member of the cast of Duck Dynasty every night by name. “She has memorized every name and for several months has prayed for every one of them in her nightly prayers”. There’s a clue!

I think it would be safe to say that you can multiply that little girl by tens of thousands of fans who regularly pray for my friends the Robertson’s and the other cast members. I believe that behind the beards God is at work. I get emails and comments on this blog about how watching this loving family on TV has been the imputes for someone coming to surrender to Christ or to reconnect with the church. There is no doubt in my mind that this funny reality show is at least in part a God thing.

It made my heart glad to look into the eyes of a sweet, smiling eight year old and to know that she is a little prayer warrior.

Duck Commander Shares the Good News


People from several states and Canada poured into the White’s Ferry Road Church of Christ today to see and hear the man called the “Duck Commander“, Phil Robertson. Today was “Duck Commander Sunday” and it was a huge day! Our regulars at WFR served as parking attendants, ushers, greeters, and in other ways, to get hundreds into and out of two big services.

With cameras and cell phones in hand, Duck Dynasty fans saw all the characters in the photo above. Si Robertson led the opening prayer, Jase Robertson gave the communion meditation and Jep Robertson and John Godwin led prayers. Missy Robertson and her son Cole Robertson sang on the praise team and Alan Robertson greeted the crowd and introduced his dad, Phil, the patriarch of the Robertson clan and founder of Duck Commander.

Phil was in his usual form for both the 8:00 am and 10:00 am services. His message included no fluff, rather it was gut punch reality. Our country has declined in direct proportion to how we have nationally forgotten God. He quoted many of the founders of our Republic and compared them to the leaders we have today, it’s not pretty. One of my favorite quotes this morning was “Our problems don’t have a political solution, they only have a spiritual solution”. To that I can say a hearty Amen!

Then, as only Phil Robertson can, he carefully explained why men and women need Christ and delivered the most clear and convincing presentation of the good news you can hear anywhere. Not one person could leave that room and say they have not heard the gospel.

From Phil, the oldest, right down to the children, the Robertson family sees the success of the TV show, and their popularity, as an open door and a platform to share Christ with as many people as possible while they have opportunity. They are being faithful to that vision, preaching the good news about Jesus to thousands each month.

Why do the Robertson’s do what they do? And why does a church have Duck Commander Sunday? Love, that’s the answer! They, and the church, love people enough to do whatever possible to announce the good news to as many people as possible.

We Americans are still blessed to live in a relatively free society where we can still worship openly and share Christ with others. We must not take this liberty for granted. Pray for our leaders and pray that the bad ones will be replaced with better ones. Above all else let’s put into practice loving God and loving each other. It is a winning plan!

Duck Dynasty, The Story Behind the Story, An Update

As Alan Robertson put it, “Duck Dynasty strikes again!”

At the invitation this morning Alan, (the oldest son of the Robertson family), told the congregation about a family from Georgia that had driven 12 hours to visit the White’s Ferry Road Church. Influenced by watching the hit Duck Dynasty TV show, one of the sons had decided to turn himself in.

Alan explained that after visiting with the young man and carefully explaining the good news about Jesus this fine young teenager wanted to be baptized. He made a public declaration of his faith in Jesus and soon Alan baptized him, where he reenacted the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Here at Grace Digest I have received many, many comments about how a funny TV show about a family who loves God, each other, and the outdoors, has in one way or another impacted their lives. It is so rare to see a functional family on TV that the Robertson clan is extremely rare in the world of entertainment. I join the chorus of millions who heartily approve of the antics of some good old boys and glimpses into the family lives of genuine followers of Jesus.

Christians can hunt and fish, play practical jokes on each other, work hard and play hard, and keep Jesus first in everything. Nothing lasts forever and most things not even a long time, but I hope Duck Dynasty is on my TV for a very long time. God is using the Duck Commander crew to make a difference in the lives of many people for both time and eternity! I am honored to call them my friends and forever family.

Royce Ogle
Monroe, Louisiana