Our Christmas Tree























You probably wonder about the Christmas tree. It closely resembles some of the trees my father would bring in the house and decorate when I was a child. He had the worst decorating tastes of any person I have ever met. As daddy entered a field of scattered pines, the first tree he saw that resembled a pine fell victim to his axe. Even if a couple of limbs had to be wired on to make it acceptable that was no problem. The same two strings of lights were used for perhaps 20 years. There were colored light bulbs with colored metal reflectors held in place by screwing the bulbs in through them. There were two strands of garland, one silver and one red, which after a decade or so began to look like shiny twine, not garland. Some of the early years would find daddy with some sewing thread, a needle, and a bowl of pop corn, stringing it up to add more color to the tree. At its best it was always only slightly more attractive than the one in the picture. Mom was blind so daddy got away with stuff most husbands would have been maimed for! But, it was Christmas and we were happy.

At least once a year, daddy would mention that Christmas for him, when he was a boy, was an orange, and perhaps a few pieces of hard candy. It was a true story. My grandparents had 13 children and lived a very primitive life back in the hollers and way up the creeks in Yancey County N.C. We had it good compared to those days and my parents never took it lightly.

My favorite Christmas memory was getting a bicycle one year. It was a hand-me-down from a 1st cousin that daddy had painted red with a brush and it looked like it. But, I was thrilled to have my own bike and it was a wonderful gift. My grandson’s haul, and the huge boxes that were mailed off to granddaughters, are a stark contrast to those days of finding so much comfort in just getting by.


This is from part of a post I wrote in Dec of 2007. It brings back a flood of memories, good memories, ones I’ll cherish forever.

Sadly, working a full-time job has really limited my time to write, something I love doing. It seems that there is never enough time for it. Perhaps I need to make better use of the time I have. We’ll see about that…

Meanwhile I hope that you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and that you keep first things first. May each of us treasure Christ in our hearts above all else. Of all our affections He should be supreme.

Merry Christmas,

Royce Ogle



It’s Christmas!

What a fun and magical time of year! I enjoy the beautiful colored lights and other decorations, the excitement of children, and the anticipation of adults who are looking forward to great times with family and friends to share meals, gift exchanges, and worship.

In a while I’ll grill some tasty rib eyes and we will enjoy them with our Monroe kids and grand kids for our evening meal after church. We will go to a Christmas Eve Service at their church and then tomorrow morning we will worship with our church family at 10 o’clock. Then in the evening we are having friends over for chili and conversation.

So, as you can see, at our house there is nothing big, nothing fancy, just a family enjoying God’s blessings and celebrating the birth of Jesus our Lord.

My hope is that the grace of Christmas, with all its promises, be yours throughout the year. May the wonder of God’s lavish love for sinners be with you always. From our home and our hearts, Carol and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.

Thank you for reading GraceDigest and for your encouragement over what has now become years.

In Him,
Royce & Carol Ogle
Monroe, LA












“God with us” Matthew 1:23

The announcement of the birth of Jesus, God in flesh, was good news!

“God for us” Romans 8:31-39

That God is for us is better news!

“God in us” Colossians 1:26-28

The hope of future glory!

We celebrate the coming of God in flesh, to live a life of perfect obedience before the Father. To fulfill every demand of God’s holy law, FOR US! Jesus offered his own body as a sacrifice for our sins. He died FOR US! And now everyone who believes the record of God about His Son and surrenders to his Lordship can know God is in us! His dwelling in His people is His promise that we, like him, will be raised from the grave to live forever with Him.

How could we who know him not gladly celebrate his incarnation? Joyfully we say to all, Merry Christmas!


Christmas, What Does It Mean?

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

The Christmas narrative in the Bible is the unfolding of God giving that one and only Son. Trust Him and you will live forever.

Merry Christmas!
