About Grace Digest

WHO? The author is Royce Ogle of Granbury, Texas. I am just a guy who has been a believer in Jesus Christ for much longer than most of my readers have been alive. I am not an expert on theology, nor do I claim to have a monopoly on truth. I do pursue truth and cherish it. I have no ideology to defend and reject any label that might be used to describe me other than those found in the Bible.

I am now 75 years young, I have 6 of the most handsome and beautiful grandchildren on earth who just happen to also be the most delightful and grandest in every way a child can be measured. My best friend and the dearest person on earth to me is my beautiful and talented wife Carol Jane. She is an amazing wife, grandmother (“Nonna”), mother, mother-in-law, friend, mentor, and Christian lady. She is at least 1/2 or more of who I am. She makes me whole.

I am retired.  I worked as a real estate professional, Cat Adjuster, and most recently I worked 6 1/2 years for Duckcommander in West Monroe, LA. Carol was the Coordinator for WFR Relief for several years, a global disaster relief ministry responding to natural catastrophes around the world with help and hope through the network of churches of Christ, now operating under the banner One Kingdom.  Carol and I facilitated a Grief Share ministry for 16 years, she hosted a Heart to Home ladies ministry for many years. Carol is a singer, singing for many years with the Sweet Adelines and currently she is a part of a ladies chorus and a civic chorus here in Granbury.

WHAT? Grace Digest is a collection of Bible studies, editorials on Christian living, church life, and Christian ministry. Grace Digest is primarily an outlet for a frustrated preacher/teacher/writer who sits at the keyboard and just shares his heart. I have been humbled and blessed to receive positive comments from a wide swath of humanity who themselves have been helped, blessed, or for some other reason have appreciated what I have shared through this outlet. My readers come from  all the states of the U.S. and from many foreign countries. Those who leave comments here at Grace Digest represent only a tiny fraction of those who read this blog. I have received phone calls, emails, and kind remarks in by the scores and I am humbled.

WHY?I have no agenda other than the pursuit of Truth, the truth about God and His son the Lord Jesus, and what has already been accomplished for me and every sinner. It is my work and my joy to share the very good news that God loves the hopeless and helpless and is still today making the gracious offer of taking sins away and giving eternal life to all who will come to Him by Christ Jesus.

Agree or disagree, all are welcome here and your visit is very much appreciated. Visit often and know that your feedback is a help and a blessing.

His Peace be yours,

11 comments on “About Grace Digest

  1. Royce,

    I have an uncle who is 82, that has been a Free Will Baptist Preach for as long as I can remember. He has preached in small country churches for years. I was at his home a few days ago, and as always I get a bit of his teaching while there. One of the topics this time was the three baptisms. I was not familiar with the concept of there being three baptisms. I listened to his arguments, and today while doing my daily Bible study, I decided to search the web for a better explanation of what he had said.

    I found your sight and the entry on your site titled “3 Baptisms in Act 2”. This article hit the mark. Thank you so much for it. I have book marked your site and will continue to follow the blogs. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks Wesley, you are very kind.

  2. Royce,
    I am delighted to become aware of you thru the GC blog. Your responses say more in few words than the others, including me. Your writing is like that of Edward Fudge — truly refreshing.

    I have found your post about the Helmley Rd cofC on the gulf in AL, and have fwd it to some friends. As the weeks go by, it will be interesting to learn what help they may receive.

    Do you plan to attend the Pepperdine lectures in a few weeks? If so, I would love to meet you.

    Wayne, I consider the comparison a high honor. I have admired Edward Fudge from afar for years. I finally got to meet him in Tulsa recently and enjoyed his fellowship. I found in him a kindred spirit.

    I will not be at Perrerdine, too far, too costly for now. Thanks very much for stopping by. I really appreciate your broadcasting the needs of my forevery family in Bayou La Batre. Thanks.


  3. Pingback: Amazing Grace: Patternism Articles in New Wineskins « One In Jesus.info

  4. Hello Royce
    My first visit and I will be returning,I love to enjoy what others have to say about our Saviour!!! Enjoy your family and retirement 😀 😀

  5. Pingback: Top 10 posts of 2010 | Grace Digest

  6. I like your way of talking about great adventure with our Lord and am going to pas this along to my friend and her husband my minister and my children. They have All helped thru one of the hardest times of my life. Thank you again.

  7. Royce,

    Do you have your blog set up so that archives are not viewable by date or subject for a reason? I don’t see a way to veiw your past archives unless you just go to each post and hit the back button. I would like to view your archives if possible. I’m now searching for the excellent post on Pentecost. Thanks, Makenna

    • I don’t know how to make the archives readily available.

      This is what I do. I go to Google search, type in the subject – comma – gracedigest.com adn 99% of the time I quickly find what I’m looking for.

      I hope this helps.

    • Also, when you are looking at the blog, in the upper right corner you will see a search icon (magnifying glass). Click on it, type in “Pentecost” and you will find everything I have written on the phrase.

  8. Hi Royce, This is Grace again. I saw that Jay apologized for the hateful comments that have been thrown at you by Ray. I hope there will be less attacks and better dialogue that can take place there.

    I did write Jay earlier about the hateful attacks toward you. None of that was called for.

    Here is what I wrote to Jay:

    “Hi Jay, I was wondering if you are going to keep me under moderation for the rest of eternity or if you would let me comment as all the others on here?

    It saddens me to see that you’re okay with the attacks Ray threw at Royce which were very hateful saying, “Is Royce stupid? Slow mentally? Ignorant? Unable to understand language? There’s surely something wrong with his thinking!” (http://oneinjesus.info/2015/01/baptism-grace-and-baptism-part-3-grace-for-baptism/#comment-117032)

    You may not agree with my comments but I would not resort to using hateful comments. I see no use of trying to belittle another person.”

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